Organic chemistry is usually taught as an entire second year college course. We will be able to spend about a month and a half getting as far into the content as possible. We will focus on basic molecular structure, nomenclature and reaction mechanisms. We will do a bonding review first, and then go into the actual IB SL Organic content.
Study Chapter 10 in Chemistry: Course Companion and use the DVD questions for review. Use Central Chemistry Chapter 25 as a reference as necessary. Watch the Thornley videos for review but use the Khan channel videos for a more in-depth lesson on each topic. Organic Chemistry exam on 4/22
Externally TESTING STUDENTS... decide on an additional option topic over break....
Worksheet: Bonding Review (ionic, covalent, intermolecular) due 3/2
Worksheet: Organic Models I (MolyMods to make a table of 20 structures and isomers) due 3/2
Worksheet: Organic Nomenclature/Structural formulas due 4/3
Worksheet: Simulation/Model/Database (Jmol and Royal Society of Chemistry database)
Lab 14: Pre-Design Lab Write Ups (D) due 3/4
Lab 15: Saponification Lab due 3/30
Lab 16: Polymer Investigation due 4/15
Lab 17: Design Lab to be evaluated with all IB practical criteria (D, DCP, CE) due 3/20
chemix app to diagram apparatus
how to use chemix youtube video
Lab 18: Esterification due 4/22
How to draw organic molecules in 3-D
Free radical reactions Khan academy
Alcohol Periodic table of videos
ketones and aldehydes OSU chem
Polymers (plastics) Crashcourse
Sigma and pi bonds Khan academy
Sigma and pi bonds Thornley
Hybridization Thornley
Charge centers (molecular geometry) and hybridization Thornley
Carbon allotropes Thornley
SN2 mechanism
SN1 mechanism
Isomers HL
SN1 SN2 Thornley HL
Esterification Thornley HL
Esterification Fisher mechanism Khan
Esterification lab proceedure
Study Chapter 10 in Chemistry: Course Companion and use the DVD questions for review. Use Central Chemistry Chapter 25 as a reference as necessary. Watch the Thornley videos for review but use the Khan channel videos for a more in-depth lesson on each topic. Organic Chemistry exam on 4/22
Externally TESTING STUDENTS... decide on an additional option topic over break....
Worksheet: Bonding Review (ionic, covalent, intermolecular) due 3/2
Worksheet: Organic Models I (MolyMods to make a table of 20 structures and isomers) due 3/2
Worksheet: Organic Nomenclature/Structural formulas due 4/3
Worksheet: Simulation/Model/Database (Jmol and Royal Society of Chemistry database)
Lab 14: Pre-Design Lab Write Ups (D) due 3/4
Lab 15: Saponification Lab due 3/30
Lab 16: Polymer Investigation due 4/15
Lab 17: Design Lab to be evaluated with all IB practical criteria (D, DCP, CE) due 3/20
chemix app to diagram apparatus
how to use chemix youtube video
Lab 18: Esterification due 4/22
How to draw organic molecules in 3-D
Free radical reactions Khan academy
Alcohol Periodic table of videos
ketones and aldehydes OSU chem
Polymers (plastics) Crashcourse
Sigma and pi bonds Khan academy
Sigma and pi bonds Thornley
Hybridization Thornley
Charge centers (molecular geometry) and hybridization Thornley
Carbon allotropes Thornley
SN2 mechanism
SN1 mechanism
Isomers HL
SN1 SN2 Thornley HL
Esterification Thornley HL
Esterification Fisher mechanism Khan
Esterification lab proceedure